
Hello Everyone, first update here!

I added some important features to be more useable:

  • The biggest new update is: you can now select a checkbox to pause and set "Allowed Flips" under tileset properties when building drawing layers.
    • This is important because utilizing Aseprite's builtin "Allowed Flips" property allows us to:
      • Allowed Flips "X" allows for mirroring in the X direction
      • Allowed Flips "Y" allows for mirroring in the Y direction
      • Allowed Flips "D" allows for some mirrored tiles in the diagonal direction
    • This was added in every place a drawing layer is created/reinitialized.
    • With these Available to us now we can actually utilize the full power of Quick Auto Tile:
  • There's also some functionality added to reinitialize layers in case you edit a reference layer or mess up the tilesets in a drawing layer.
  • There was slight optimization by building tilesets from the reference layer.  To keep the reference layer clean there were also checkboxes to force rebuild the reference layer in case it was accidentally changed.


RockBottomGamesAsepriteToolSuite-v-0.2.zip 13 MB
2 days ago

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